We understand this is a difficult time in your life. Our dedicated lawyers are here to help.
Experienced Toronto
Divorce Lawyers
We understand this is a difficult time in your life. Our dedicated lawyers are here to help.
We have proven success in resolving divorce and family law issues. Our practice areas include the following:
We have proven success in resolving divorce and family law issues. Our practice areas include the following:
Our lawyers are strong advocates with extensive experience negotiating settlements, resolving matters through mediation, and litigating in the courtroom. In handling cases, we are tenacious, creative, practical and resolution oriented. We have a record of success helping clients achieve their goals.
Technology, used properly, saves our clients time and money. We know that family law issues don’t just occur from 9 am to 5 pm. We can accommodate extended hours so we are accessible to our clients, when they need us most.
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+12 (0) 345 678 9