How do I appeal a family court... June 18, 2020
Family court decisions can be appealed in Ontario. However, it is important to distinguish between a temporary and final decision. For a temporary decision, something called “leave” is required. This means that a panel of three judges has to give permission to appeal based on a specified test that is...
“I defaulted, now what?”: The Confusion Regarding... January 24, 2021
The Hilton case is yet another example of the continued confusion in the law with respect to how a party challenges an order made when in "default". In other words, when one party has not filed an answer, had their pleadings struck, or otherwise did not participate, but wishes to...

What does alienation really mean in custody... September 10, 2020
The word "alienation" is a buzzword that has been used more frequently in custody and access cases. Alienation generally involves one parent poisoning a child against another parent. Alienation has been described by one judge as a legal concept and not a mental health diagnosis. However, often experts are used...