by in BLOG, Matrimonial Home

What is a matrimonial home in Ontario?

A “matrimonial home” has a specific definition in Ontario law. It is the house that a married couple lives in at the time of separation. In common law relationships, there is no legal “matrimonial home.” In such relationships, it is best to refer to the house using common parlance like the family home or one […]

by in BLOG, Spousal Support

How do I get spousal support?

Divorce lawyers in Toronto and throughout Ontario deal with the issue of spousal support regularly. Spousal support, or alimony as it is called in other places, is an amount of money that one spouse has to pay to another after the breakdown of a marriage or common law relationship. Spousal support can be compensatory, in […]

by in BLOG, Child Support

How do I calculate child support?

The federal and provincial governments have made legislation called the Child Support Guidelines to determine how child support is paid in Ontario. Unlike spousal support, in the vast majority of circumstances your expenses do not matter for the purpose of calculating child support. Rather, in general it is only a person’s income found at Line […]

by in BLOG

COVID-19: Family Law Questions

Many parents have questions about how to best co-parent during the COVID-19 pandemic. Often, both parents are concerned primarily with their children’s best interests, but can disagree about how those best interests are met. . Should children continue to adhere to the current access arrangement or should they stay where they are? Are the children […]

by in BLOG, Child Support

Who pays child support in Ontario?

Any time parents of a child are not in a relationship, there is a responsibility for child support to ensure the child is taken care of financially.  In the event one parent has a child greater than 60% of the time in that parent’s physical custody, the other parent normally has to pay the full […]

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